Serena's Random Thoughts

just a way for me to share all my crazy thoughts. please comment at will.

Friday, August 12, 2005

new parents

a few years ago, a lot of my closest friends were getting married. now, they're all having children. i now watch this process with complete awe.

the idea that some of these people were just living life on the fly - traveling, partying, not giving a shit about anything else but having a great time. . . they now have a totally different purpose in life. there is now this tiny little angel that they have to teach, protect, love, and guide through this life. someone who's solely dependent on them to live and grow. every decision made, will shape their future. it's amazing.

and to even think about how much my friend's lives have and will change - their priorities, their dreams, their ambitions, are now inevitably entwined with another being for the rest of their lives. i'm sure that things that used to seem important, probably seem trivial now compared to the responsibilities they now have.

people always laugh at me when i tell them that i would like to have children more than i would like to get married. i know, it's strange. but the beauty of that type of unconditional love is something that i know will be a million times more special than what i imagine now. i'm just not too thrilled about the actual giving birth part, as profound as it's supposed to be. . . i can't say that i'm looking forward to the pain. ouch!

one of my favorite movies is "stepmom" with susan sarandan and julia roberts. for those of you who haven't watched it - the basic story is (don't read on if you plan on watching it) that a divorced couple struggles to help their children deal with the father's decision to remarry and the discovery that the mother is dying of cancer. there are some pretty intense scenes. but the movie is so great because it shows so many different angles. they portray the love that these parents have for their kids, as well as the transitions that children go through with age and also because of dramatic changes like divorce. they also show the fear that parents sometimes have of making the wrong decision for the kids and also the fear of losing their children's respect or admiration.

there's a very poignant scene - when the future stepmom and mom have to finally come to terms with the fact that they have to resolve their issues. julia roberts, being the future stepmom, expresses that she cannot live up to susan sarandon's legacy of the perfect mom. susan sarandan reveals that she is terrified of being replaced and forgotten by her children, once she passes away. which delves into the idea that all of us, want to be remembered - want to leave an impression on the lives of those around us, want to know that people's lives were better because we were a part of them - especially our children.

i don't know about you guys - but this is a huge thing to me. i want to know that i enriched the lives of people around me. that's by choice. but to have a child, it becomes your obligation, your duty. pretty overwhelming, huh?

here's some pictures of my friends' beautiful children. introducing:

Elliot Ly

Cody Nguyen

Leo Marcel Guillon

Jaxon Hoang


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